There are a few classic signs that you’re addicted to tango.

When the other day a new student told me – a few months after starting tango – that he was looking for a new flat with more space to dance in, I couldn’t help but chuckle.

I knew then that he was well and truly part of our crazy worldwide club of tango junkies.

Another tell tell sign? Grabbing absolutely any opportunity you can to practice your tango.

No matter when, no matter where. You look left, you look right. No one around? Quick, time to just trace out that little *lapiz* you learnt in tango class last week.

We are the Ikea generation. Experts at finding inventive ways to create more space.

You discover that the kitchen counter provides the ideal support to practice your ochos … provided of course your hand doesn’t accidentally switch the hob on!

A flight of stairs doubles up as the perfect apparatus to stretch out your calf muscles after a long night in the milonga.

And why stare into space when you’re waiting for the microwave to ping? It’s a total waste of valuable practice time!

Picture me then just the other night at our venue in Soho making my way up to our first floor dance studio.

That night I had put my tango shoes on in the changing rooms before going up to class. And I decided to take the lift rather than the stairs.

Even on the lower ground floor I could hear the lovely sounds of tango emanating from the studio, where my partner was setting up for our class.

And there I was standing in a lift. In tango shoes. With tango music. How was I not going to practice some *rulos*?

But there was a snag. The lift was made of glass.

A man in sports gear, climbing the stairs turned and stared. And for a few moments, I was at a total loss as to why.

Then it hit me. A grown woman. Dancing. In pink stilettos. That is not something “non-tango people” see every day.

He kept pace with my lift as he climbed the stairwell. As we simultaneously reached each new level, my rulos became a little more ostentatious and began to lift of the floor.

Well, you didn’t really expect me to stop and let such a golden opportunity to practice slip through my fingers? Plus, it was quite nice to have an audience!

If you’ve been dancing even a short time, you’ll probably have a funny tango anecdote. Please share it with us in the comments section below!